It's also possible for flowers, mushrooms and saplings (since the appearance of saplings ( Java Edition pre-Classic rd-161348) until the version Java Edition Indev 0.31 20100202) except that the torch will stay in the air forever. Here's the direct link to download the file JAR file. I plan to send this JAR file to Mojang so they can add it to the launcher, but for now I'm posting the link below (just in case it takes them a while to add it to the launcher).
It is possible to create a flying torch by placing a torch on the ground, then by breaking the ground. It is 291,588 bytes instead of 297,776 bytes. If the player places a torch on the ground next to a wall, the torch will be attached to the wall.Their length is different from the next version (13 pixels instead of 10 on the next version ( Java Edition Indev 0.31 20091231-1).